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Destination Earth Service Platform – DESP by Serco

  • Generic / Specific: Real case study
  • Company Name: Serco
  • Email:
  • Partner Name: European Commission
  • Year of implementation: 2024
  • Technology: Earth Observation Services, Space Infrastructure Development
  • Industry: AI Development, Consulting Services, Data Optimization, Environment Protection, Software Development

Building on our experience of operating ONDA since 2018, we were awarded the Destination Earth Service Platform contract, implemented under the European Commission’s DestinE initiative.

As the prime contractor, Serco leads the industrial consortium tasked to develop, implement, and operate the digital platform that is the entry point to DestinE. Serco’s role encompasses providing data access, innovative services, system design and operation, as well as community and user support.

DestinE is an open, flexible, and secure cloud-based computing system that will provide evidence-based decision-making tools, applications and services. It aims to create a digital twin of our planet by utilising diverse geospatial data sources, including Earth observation imagery, insitu, and socio-economic data.

This platform will:
• Support the prediction of man-made environmental damage with high precision
• Enable continuous & accurate monitoring of the health of the planet by focusing on climate change
• Allow a better understanding of the socio-economic effects of climate change, as well as the occurrence and consequences of extreme natural disasters.


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